For Doctors




Vaccine Passports. Where Does Your State Stand? A List of all 50 States

Vaccine passports have proved hugely divisive. Most states are moving to, or have already outlawed them, while some choose to limit their use.

The Role of Pediatric Hexavalent Vaccines to Leave No Child Behind on Pertussis and Polio Protection

Infant vaccination has been a cornerstone of global health, demonstrating over more than 100 years the health and socio-economic benefits of the reduced burden of infectious diseases.

Say No to These Cancer Remedies

WHILE SOME COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES PROVIDE VALUE for those with cancer, others don’t work.

The Wearables Expert ™ Interviews Lucien Engelen

Episode 9. João Bocas - The Wearables Expert ™ Interviews Lucien Engelen on Digital Health, AI, Big Tech and Innovation