



Evrysdi™ Approved for Spinal Muscular Atrophy Home Treatment

The FDA has approved Evrysdi™ (risdiplam), the first at-home, orally administered treatment for spinal muscular atrophy in children and adults

Todd Eury, Pharmacy Podcast Network

Todd Eury is pharmacy is Pharmacy Podcast Network. His network enables the pharmacy sector and provides them a voice.

Real-World Repercussions of Mislabeling Treatments as Vaccines

Vaccinate, inoculate and immunize are three words that describe the "jab" people get to guard them against serious infectious illnesses. Harmonious - yes - but each offers a different consumer expectation.

Kratom is an Unregulated Addictive Drug That Kills

Kratom is a a highly addictive, unregulated drug. It has been brought into the US by importers, often via illegal routes, for the last decade and is frequently seized by the FDA and destroyed