Healthcare Policy and Opinion




Kids in School Shootings Carry the Scars for Life

Search Medium Write 20 Gil Bashe BeingWell Published in BeingWell Dr. Patricia Farrell Dr. Patricia Farrell Mar 28 · 4 min read · Member-only · Listen Kids in School Shootings Carry the Scars for Life School shootings are no longer unheard of. They are becoming part of the American landscape in towns all across the country. How are they affecting our future generations?

Psychiatry’s “Bible” Panel Comes Under Fire for Funding and Gifts

Pharmaceutical companies frequently pay doctors, and research indicates that these payments have an impact on doctors’ prescription practices. Expressly, doctors may prescribe more expensive name-brand medications...

Is GPT Digital Health’s Inflection Point?

Is GPT Digital Health’s Inflection Point? While disappointment prevails, change may be in the air.

The Benefits in Dignity, Savings, and Health of Aging in Place

Nursing homes and residential care facilities are undergoing a sea change as the many benefits of aging in place are seen, and people are beginning to refuse to leave their homes.