



A New A.I. Based Solution to Nurse Burn-out and Turnover

What can we do to ensure that those we rely upon to care for us, are being supported in this essential, important work?

Do We Need to ReAssess Our Covid Vaccination and Testing Policies?

Our current Covid Vaccination strategy may lie at the root of the troubles we face in achieving public acceptance of the vaccines. Is it time to reassess how we deliver the vaccine?

Could Boron Nitride Nanofilms Finally Offer an Alternative to Antibiotics?

Boron nitride nanofilms will replace antibiotics while protecting against bacterial and fungal infections according to scientists from NUST MISIS

Breakthrough Infections Dramatically Enhance COVID Immunity

I do not wish a breakthrough infection on anyone. If one does get a breakthrough, though, the silver lining is that the immunity after such infection is very, very robust.