Mental Health




Twitter’s Decision to Stand-down on COVID Misinformation Highlights a New Symptom — “Trust Deregulation”

If Twitter and Elon Musk Fail and Fall, Who Will Celebrate? Twitter and COVID misinformation monitoring.

How Somatic Body Responses Benefit Your Coaching Practice

The best way we can self regulate is to understand and accept our own physical and emotional response in the here and now. In this experience, we remain authentic to ourselves and with others.

Help! I Keep Interrupting People On Video Conferencing

Do you interrupt people or interact with a person who has this habit? If you answered yes to either of these questions, let’s explore why people exhibit this behavior and examine strategies to stop

Bells, Buzzers, and Beyond: Applying Pavlov Theory to Develop AI Systems That ‘Understand’ Emotions

Why is it necessary for artificial intelligence to recognize human emotional signs?