Mental Health




Fire Up the Power of Art Therapies Against Stress and Help Yourself

Art has ways of freeing the mind and reducing stress that aren’t yet fully understood, but research is showing its powerful impact on anxiety, depression, PTSD, and even burnout.

The Future of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention: Insights from Drs. Eric Topol and Pradeep Natarajan

While LDL cholesterol remains a crucial target in cardiovascular prevention, it is important to look beyond this traditional marker.

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, I Hate You and the Way I Look!

Mirrors mostly don’t lie unless you buy a bad one, but even then they reflect an image that makes some people cringe and become depressed.

Bells, Buzzers, and Beyond: Applying Pavlov Theory to Develop AI Systems That ‘Understand’ Emotions

Why is it necessary for artificial intelligence to recognize human emotional signs?