Disorders and Conditions




Heart Disease and Depression

Family history. High blood pressure. High cholesterol. Excess weight. These are the risk factors for heart disease that your doctor typically talks to you about.  Yet, there is...

One in Five Deaths Among Young Adults is Due to Alcohol

ONE IN FIVE DEATHS OF YOUNG ADULTS ages 20 to 49 is secondary to excessive alcohol use in the United States. For individuals ages 20 to 64, drinking-related deaths account for one in eight. These are the statistics offered by a new population-based study.

Burnout Threatens Primary Care Workforce and Doctors’ Mental Health

Burnout in the health care industry is a widespread problem that long predates the covid-19 pandemic, though the chaos introduced by the coronavirus’s spread made things worse.

Alzheimer’s Long Road

Alzheimer’s is only one dementia, and there are many others, currently about ten types. The problem is in identifying the individual’s precise dementia and treating it appropriately.