Mental Health




How COVID and the Power of Now Killed Scientific Peer Review

How long do or should clinical trials take – well, it depends – but often years. Science takes time. It demands rigor and objectivity. It’s not a “now” pursuit.

Cher’s Severe, Hidden Disorder Chipped Away at Her Self-Esteem

Always a student who struggled in school, Cher finally decided she was too dumb and left early. Now she knows she's not dumb but has a diagnosable disorder, dyslexia.

Increase Inclusivity in Research by Reimagining Clinical Trials

Improving diversity in medical research requires more than patient engagement – it demands a rethinking of research infrastructure

“Cognitive Liberty” May Be Imperiled in a World of AI Intrusion

We have many options with computer programming, especially with artificial intelligence, but we have to be careful about what it produces, and there are serious concerns here.