Mental Health




The Social Innovation Summit: Catalyzing Societal Change

The Summit's power lies in its ability to assemble participants from diverse sectors, each bringing their perspectives and expertise - all dedicated to purpose and social impact

Police Unreasonable Fear May Be Deadlier Than Racism

The media, seemingly, doesn’t have a day when there isn’t one or more shocking articles about incidents of inappropriate police actions. Too many newspaper articles or...

Record Numbers of Californians Die From COVID-19, Surgeon General Promotes Yoga and Screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences

When evidence faces off against the power of celebrity status and charisma, the evidence is left lying face down in the street. That becomes particularly important to take into account during a pandemic in which people are dying from misinformation.

Is the New York Times a Shill for Promoters of Psychedelics?

Evidence that the newspaper is not sufficiently detached from promoters to provide an open-minded but skeptical perspective that readers should be able to expect.