Disorders and Conditions




The Subtle Signs of Brewing Violence May Be Seen, But Not Always

It’s open season for killers with automatic assault weapons who, in too many instances, don’t require a license, a background check, or even be older than 18.

New National Survey of People Living with Bipolar I Disorder Provides Insights Into Disease-Related Challenges and the Treatment Journey

Respondents Reported Physical and Psychosocial Impacts of Living with Bipolar I Disorder and Side Effects of Medications Used to Treat the Disease More Than...

College Applicants Do Have the Means to Fight Mental Health Discrimination

Those with mental health disorders may find it especially hard to fill out college applications and wait for a response, which can be a very stressful time. If denied, there are ways to handle possible discrimination.

Untangling the False Binary of “Medical vs. Mind-Body”

One of the common stumbling blocks that can come up on the path of chronic pain recovery is confusion about whether or not a mind-body approach is right for you.