Disorders and Conditions




In the Face of Horror, Hope is a Vital Mental Health Resource

Israel and Hamas are close geographically and worlds apart in mindset—the role of hope and hate in setting national priorities and determining purpose.

Gabor Maté’s Bizarre Ideas on Connections Between Stress and Disease

Gabor Maté’s issues are with evidence, not the West and with public health, not medicine, but who takes him seriously? Lots of otherwise smart people seem to…or maybe not.

Early-onset Alzheimer’s and Its Misdiagnosis Tragedies

One current theory is that this type of Alzheimer’s may be familial, but a similar form is found in those with Down Syndrome. Estimates suggest that 50 percent or more of people with Down syndrome will develop dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease as they age.

To Meet Regularly Or Not? That Is The Question

Let's examine the pros and cons from a therapist's and client's perspective.