



Ten mRNA Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About and Ten Nonsenses

There's still a lot of nonsense that circulates about the Covid mRNA vaccines. Hidden amongst this noise are indisputable facts relating to these treatments,...

Ivermectin is NOT Hydroxychloroquine. Why is the FDA Ignoring a Potential Covid Treatment?

Ivermectin has shown promise as a potential treatment. It needs to be urgently evaluated under the guidance of the FDA

Is Your Covid Test Being Used to Covertly Harvest Your DNA?

Business and government want your genetic data. They will ensure they get hold of it, one way or another, either in collusion with each other or independently.

Covid Sniffing Dogs At Work At Miami Wine and Food Festival

Covid sniffing dogs will help 20,000 visits stay safe during the four-day Miami's South Beach Wine & Food Festival. Our furry friends are becoming a part of the safety strategy allowing large events to take place safely.