



Is Social Media the Answer to Mental Health Problems? Do Masks Play a Role?

Always available with hundreds or thousands of listening ears and scanning eyes, social media has taken over communications, but has it always provided a benefit?

BQ.1 — The New COVID-19 Variant Doctors Want You to Know About

HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT THE COVID-19 VARIANT BQ.1? This new virus on the block (or one of its variants) now comprises more than one in 10 cases of COVID-19 in the United States.

Is mRNA Technology the New Penicillin?

mRNA medicines are sets of instructions and these instructions direct cells in the body to make proteins to prevent or fight disease. The m stands for messenger and RNA is ribonucleic acid, a part of our DNA

How The NIH Funded Wuhan Coronavirus Research with U.S. Taxpayers Money

In public documents kept by the NIH, funding grants chronicle the creation of a super coronavirus created by Gain of Function research, funded by the NIH.