Alternate Health




How You Can Use Dark Chocolate For Heart Health

IT IS THE HOLIDAY SEASON. You should not be surprised that I am here to talk about the nectar of the gods, dark chocolate. “life is...

You Don’t Have to Quit Your Passion to Heal From Chronic Pain

Symptom flare-ups often happen during periods of big expansion in your life: Stepping into a new leadership role, becoming a parent, gaining recognition for your art, starting a business, falling in love.⁠

New Data Shows No Evidence of COVID-19 Spread in Gyms

Of More than 49.4 Million Health Club Visits, Only 0.0023 Percent Tested Positive for COVID-19

Intermittent Fasting and Health

TODAY WILL NOT ANSWER THAT CHALLENGING QUESTION: What is a healthy diet? Instead, I want to explore the health benefits of intermittent fasting once per...