Alternate Health




Memory-Mind-Muscles, the Stunning Formula For Your Brain’s Functioning

Too often, exercise is chalked off as keeping our bodies in good shape, but there is another connection about which few know, and that's our minds.

Andrew Wakefield, the ultimate medical con on Medika’s Quack Scale

Andrew Wakefield is the greatest medical fraud of our generation. Guilty of malpractice, misleading the public, lying, falsifying data, and causing vaccine

This Exercise Type May Be Best for Lowering Your Blood Pressure

Approximately one in three adults in the United States has high blood pressure (hypertension). High blood pressure is like having a pipe with too much pressure, which can cause leaks and damage over time.

Six Health Habits to Slow Memory Decline

ACCORDING TO A NEW POPULATION-BASED STUDY, six healthy lifestyle behaviors are associated with slower memory decline in older adults.