Patient Zone




The Trachea or Windpipe

The trachea is a part of the Respiratory System. Explore other free anatomical medical resources from Medika Life's Patient Resources

Opioids. Everything you need to know about America’s Most Lethal Drugs

Opioid overdoses related to illegally manufactured fentanyl (the most powerful of the opioids) represented the greatest contribution to the increasing numbers

What’s in it for me? Encouraging patient ownership of PHI Data

Do patients really understand the true value associated with ownership and management of their healthcare data? It would appear not and this matters as a new raft of solutions hit the market

3 Tips for Incorporating Mental Health Into Your Corporate Well-Being Program

U.S. adults reporting symptoms of anxiety disorder and/or depressive disorder rose from 11% in the first half of 2019 to more than 40% in January 2021.