Health News and Views




Up, Up, And Away: The Evolution of Speed

Amphetamine was synthesized from ephedrine by German scientists in 1887, and methamphetamine, also created by Nagayoshi, arrived in 1893. Pharmacologist Akira Ogata took methamphetamine one step further

The Ethics of A.I. in Healthcare Must Be Urgently Addressed

A.I. is critical to the growth of healthcare in the coming decade. It needs to be managed correctly and urgent ethical guidelines regulating its use need to be implimented.

Cause of Death: Fax Not Delivered

While the fax may be the safest way to keep physicians HIPAA compliant, it creates a behavior inconsistent with their chosen mission — to save lives.

Andrew Wakefield, the ultimate medical con on Medika’s Quack Scale

Andrew Wakefield is the greatest medical fraud of our generation. Guilty of malpractice, misleading the public, lying, falsifying data, and causing vaccine