Health News and Views




6 Ways to Treat Erection Problems

We might think of erection problems as something only older men experience. Being able to get or keep an erection can affect men at any age. Treat your

Calling Tomorrow. Has Time Proven Covid Quacks and Conspiracy Theorists Right or Wrong?

Have any of the prominent anti-vaccine voices been proven right over the last year? Covid misinformation defies logic, time an reasoning.

Who Knew? Having Less Sex Linked to Earlier Menopause

The findings of our study suggest that if a woman is not having sex, and there is no chance of pregnancy, then the body ‘chooses’ not to invest in ovulation, as it would be pointless

How My Breast Cancer Providers Have Compromised My Life

Being poor can get you killed. A damning indictment of breast cancer Providers from a Medicaid survivor of a double mastectomy.