Health News and Views




Trump’s America. Deride Them, But They are Better Than You

Democrats are unintentionally engineering the erosion of the nation's access to basic healthcare and essential services such as reproductive choice, seriously jeopardizing the bodily...

The Covid Global Clinical Trials for mRNA. Thank You for Participating

There are more than one hundred ways an RNA molecule can be chemically modified after it is synthesized. The functions of many of these...

Adrenochrome, Satanic Masses, Abducted Children and Urban Legends

This is the story of how an innocuous byproduct of adrenaline (epinephrine) called adrenochrome, first discovered in the fifties, has evolved into one of...

Digital Health Should Have a Larger Voice in COVID-19 Detection

Have a voice? Have a smart phone? That’s all that may be needed to test vocal biomarkers, a non-invasive, democratic way to track disease symptoms.