Gabor Maté’s issues are with evidence, not the West and with public health, not medicine, but who takes him seriously?…
Leadership through empathy. True leaders learn on the job, from those who surround them. They look to others and through…
The Texas Birth Defects Registry received new funding from the CDC to help Texas track and trend the most accurate…
American Healthcare and Life Cover Insurers will soon insist on Covid Vaccination. Remain unvaccinated and your premiums will rise.
Harnessing Communications Across Disciplines to Heal Our Environment. The power of words must be translated into meaningful actions
Health providers must provide adequate information regarding the risks and benefits for informed consent to take place through shared decision-making.
Advice on inducing labor during pregnancy. Labor induction methods do not work for everyone, and here’s why.
Vaccine passports have proved hugely divisive. Most states are moving to, or have already outlawed them, while some choose to…
Food Poisoning affects one in six Americans every year. Discover which foods may be culprits in the summer heat and…
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention announced a recall of over 8 million pounds of ready-to-eat chicken after a…
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