



The Science of the Med Diet: Unveiling Its Potential Role in Dementia Prevention

DEMENTIA IS A GROUP OF CONDITIONS THAT AFFECT MEMORY, thinking, behavior, and more. The disease is a growing concern worldwide. While there’s no guaranteed way to prevent...

Cher’s Severe, Hidden Disorder Chipped Away at Her Self-Esteem

Always a student who struggled in school, Cher finally decided she was too dumb and left early. Now she knows she's not dumb but has a diagnosable disorder, dyslexia.

Alzheimer’s New Gene Discovery May Prove Decisive in Early Diagnosis or Not. What CAN You Do?

Based on studies of twins, AD is thought to be passed down 70% of the time.

The Tricky Politics of Healthy Ageing

To get the best value for money, our politicians should focus on non-medical interventions.