



Can We Dare to Think about an End to AIDS?

What would my 23-year-old self have made of my 63-year-old self moderating a session on the end of AIDS as a public health threat...

2024 Health Trends: Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities

Here are 10 health-sector developments—not ranked—to watch in the coming year, determined by media coverage, reader interest, and personal interest.

The Future of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention: Insights from Drs. Eric Topol and Pradeep Natarajan

While LDL cholesterol remains a crucial target in cardiovascular prevention, it is important to look beyond this traditional marker.

Why Covid Hits Some Hard

WHY DOES COVID-19 WREAK SUCH DESTRUCTION on some individuals and not others? Race appears to play a role, as do age and other medical conditions...