



Long COVID-19: What Doctors Want You to Know

Approximately 15 percent of those with a COVID-19 infection will develop long COVID. Long COVID is prevalent and more common among females and older individuals.

Is My Drink Plotting My Downfall? Xylitol Explained

I thought the story of scary bug-eyed fish with fiber-optic lights protruding from their foreheads would be my story of the week. But then I saw scary...

The value of weight management in PCOS treatment

Some studies suggest that up to 80% of women with PCOS in the U.S. have overweight or obesity.

Atherosclerosis, Arteriosclerosis or Hardening of the Arteries

Atherosclerosis is a disease in which plaque builds up inside your arteries. Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood to your heart and other parts of your body.