



Is My Drink Plotting My Downfall? Xylitol Explained

I thought the story of scary bug-eyed fish with fiber-optic lights protruding from their foreheads would be my story of the week. But then I saw scary...

FDA Approves THERMOCOOL SMARTTOUCH® SF Ablation Catheter

The CARTO® 3 System and THERMOCOOL SMARTTOUCH® SF Catheter allow for a patient-tailored ablation approach, resulting in high long-term effectiveness in persistent atrial fibrillation patients

Medicine’s Greatest Fallacy: The Doctors Will Fix Me Now

Your health is the most precious thing you possess and the thing you are most likely to take for granted.

This Exercise Type May Be Best for Lowering Your Blood Pressure

Approximately one in three adults in the United States has high blood pressure (hypertension). High blood pressure is like having a pipe with too much pressure, which can cause leaks and damage over time.