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Kids in School Shootings Carry the Scars for Life

Search Medium Write 20 Gil Bashe BeingWell Published in BeingWell Dr. Patricia Farrell Dr. Patricia Farrell Mar 28 · 4 min read · Member-only · Listen Kids in School Shootings Carry the Scars for Life School shootings are no longer unheard of. They are becoming part of the American landscape in towns all across the country. How are they affecting our future generations?

Drugs are Rapidly Becoming Healthcare’s Greatest Burden

Drugs have become our fallback for almost everything. Practitioners in general are massively guilty of doling them out as a panacea for socially compromised adults. Adults that possess no life skills or coping mechanisms are simply drugged into oblivion.

What are Vitamins and What Role do They Play in Your Health?

Learn about vitamins, what they help for, how they work and what they can and cannot do. Find out which pills are a waste of money and why.

Could Covid Silently Benefit Us by Providing a Cure for Influenza?

The similarities found between SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, or human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV) can enhance the development of potential therapeutic approaches and advance the understanding of the virus mechanism of action -