For Doctors




Stop Calling Us “Heroes”

I ultimately believe that labeling ourselves “heroes” does more damage than good. I’ve read pieces from healthcare colleagues across the nation who argue that the “hero label” can be used as a subtle form of (often unintentional) gaslighting.

Listeners On Call Tackles Loneliness Through the Art of Listening

Dallas-based startup Listeners on Call is trying to solve the problem of loneliness through its consumer listening services connecting people in need to an empathetic listening ear.

Covid: Why Do Some Lose Smell?

RESEARCHERS ARE CLOSER TO UNDERSTANDING why some people lose their smell sense after contracting Covid-19. Researchers recently identified a genetic risk factor associated with smell...

Charitable Health And The Wasted Billions

This article examines charitable giving and the use of donor funds in the charitable healthcare sector, aid primarily earmarked for disadvantaged communities across the...