Industry News




A Reference Manual Toward Better Care for Patients and Physicians in 2021

Navigating healthcare systems in the US is daunting, for doctors and patients alike. A new book offers a roadmap to successfully securing health

The Wearables Expert ™ Interviews George T. Mathew

Episode 4. João Bocas - The Wearables Expert ™ Interviews George T. Mathew, Chief Medical Officer, Americas at DXC Technology

American Healthcare is in Danger of a Self-Inflicted Digital Drought

If American healthcare does not start cleaning house to enable digital innovation, it will pay the price, and inevitably, the patient will as always, be the real victim.

Dear Patient. Your Healthcare Data is No Longer Safe. Sincerely, HIPAA

HIPAA has not kept pace with the flood of digital technology swamping healthcare and it is in desperate need of modernization and strict regulation.