Industry News




Mastering The Art of Tweet-Jacking During a Pandemic

Covid conspiracies rely on tweet-jacking fact based tweets from reputable sources, appropriating the tweet and then subverting it for their own agenda.

Health Care Paradox: Medicare Penalizes Dozens of Hospitals It Also Gives Five Stars

threshold, so it’s not unusual to move in and out of the program year to year,” UC Davis Health said in an email....

Worshiping at The Alter of Zach Bush’s Messianic Health Cult

Zach Bush examined again, in response to supporters of the alternative health community and the health cult Bush has built around himself. Is he a quack?

How to Wee Away your UTI. New Research from Rutgers

Not all cranberry juices are created equally. Find out why PACS are so important to reducing your risk of UTI. New research from Rutgers