



Does Pharma Need Independent DNA Oversight?

Our survival as a species could be placed in jeopardy if we don't begin to police treatments that place our DNA in harms way. Oversight is needed.

Healthcare Workers Show Their Faith in the Covid Vaccine #vaccinechallenge

Join our #vaccinechallenge. We're Inviting doctors to send us links to their vaccination video and we''ll make you famous. Show your patients and let's help build trust in the Covid vaccine.

Ivermectin is NOT Hydroxychloroquine. Why is the FDA Ignoring a Potential Covid Treatment?

Ivermectin has shown promise as a potential treatment. It needs to be urgently evaluated under the guidance of the FDA

St. Jude scientists identify possible COVID-19 treatment in the lab

If validated, the discovery by St Jude scientists could offer real tools to deal with hyperinflammatory immune responses, one of the leading causes of death in Covid-19 infections