



Feds Rein In Use of Predictive Software That Limits Care for Medicare Advantage Patients

Judith Sullivan was recovering from major surgery at a Connecticut nursing home in March when she got surprising news from her Medicare Advantage plan:...

Physicians Aren’t Becoming Obsolete, The Standards Of Care Are

AI is changing our expectations of knowledge and outcomes in medicine. So, what will tomorrow’s accepted best practices be?

Zipline: The New Gold Standard for Technology-Based Innovation in Healthcare

Medika has identified Zipline as a company to watch in 2021. Their innovative use of existing or new technology offers a unique and exciting new solutions to the healthcare sector.

Walgreens Launches Clinical Trial Business to Address Industrywide Access and Diversity Challenges and Redefine Patient Experience

Walgreens today announced the launch of its clinical trial business to redefine the patient experience and increase access and retention in sponsor-led drug development research.