



COVID-19 Testing with 72 Hour or Less Turnaround Time

TCA/GENETWORx is building capability to perform 870,000 tests per day or 26 million per month. In order to meet demand, the company launched a massive recruiting campaign called Re Employ America

Promise and Peril of Instant Health Information Access for Consumers

Apps and AI Help Patients Access in a Blink Their Diagnostic Data: But Lacking Physician Input Fuels Fear

Unforeseen Rise of the Long-Hauler Rehab Clinic Is Imminent

Covid-19 is an illness that doesn’t leave everyone free of symptoms after treatment and discharge from the hospital. Some suffer a second covid infection after what was thought to be an effective treatment regime.

Getting Tested for HIV. What Women Need to Know.

Getting tested is the only way to find out if you have HIV. Early testing is important. If you have HIV, starting treatment early with today’s antiviral drugs may help you live decades longer and lower the risk of passing HIV to your partners.