All selected for the 2022/23 Wellness Influencers Healing the World Top 30 roster have demonstrated commitment to improving people's well-being…
Wracked with chronic pain and unable to stand or sit for any length of time should result in disability benefits,…
Your health is the most precious thing you possess and the thing you are most likely to take for granted.
More than 46 million Americans live in rural communities. On average, rural locales lag behind non-rural communities on every measure…
I think, at this stage in the pandemic, that we are beyond stressing over whether or not people are vaccinated…
BREAST CANCER MORTALITY IS DROPPING, but are you doing all you can to reduce your risk of getting (and dying)…
Lifestyles that leave little room for home cooking, quick eating on the go for work, and tight budgets often result…
A new survey finds 52 percent of individuals feel their symptoms are “ignored, dismissed, or not believed” when seeking medical…
This first installment will lay the foundation for understanding how CAR T works. Future installments will focus on CAR T…
This fall, Ozempic suddenly seemed to be everywhere, as celebrities and influencers jumped on the viral trend of using the…
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