



Rural America – A Generational Struggle for Health Equality

More than 46 million Americans live in rural communities. On average, rural locales lag behind non-rural communities on every measure of prosperity, from poverty rates to employment opportunities.

A Life-Saving Proposal: Offer Narcan Nasal Spray For Free

The pharmaceutical industry must move beyond a business and manufacture to become a beacon of action for the countless lives lost and impacted by the social blight of addiction.

Your Brain on Cortisol During COVID-19, Your Brain on #Neurononsense

Judging from Amazon reviews, there really seems to be a mutual admiration society of advice gurus and self-help experts just loving each other’s work. All self-help merchandise have ratings way above average

The Mechanics of Vaping and Its Medical Impact on Your Health

How safe is vaping? What medical literature exists to support claims of safety or the contrary? Medika examines the lucrative industry.