Womens Health




5 Prenatal Yoga Poses To Stop Pregnancy Aches and Pains

Prenatal Yoga improves fitness, strengthens muscles, and increases flexibility to improve the discomforts of pregnancy. Prenatal yoga alleviates some of the pregnancy pains and also relaxes the mind.

Oriahnn; A Drug to Stop Heavy Periods for Women With Fibroids

Oriahnn™ comes packaged as a daily oral medication giving women the options to avoid surgery, procedure, or a birth control method.

Deceptive Fairy Tales and the Desperate Worshiping at the Altar of Beauty

Fairy tales begin to embed the belief in childhood that beauty is the primary goal of life, and we believe it to our detriment.

Why Frequent UTI’s Might Be Interstitial Cystitis or Bladder Pain Syndrome

Rather than an infection, IC/BPS is a chronic inflammatory condition. It is thought to be due to the bladder being deficient in its normal “slime layer”, a mucous-like coating that keeps the bladder from being irritated by urine.