Mental Health




Rethinking End-of-Life Planning With The Digital Twin

Rethinking End-of-Life Planning With The Digital Twin. How technology can help humanity in a difficult situation.

The MDMA-Assisted Therapy for PTSD Study. What You’ll Get Wrong

Readers, including even experts, are falling for a hard sell job by venture capitalists who launder their funding of the study through a nonprofit foundation and seek not legalization

When Death Is Inevitable, Why Is Our DNR Ignored?

A peaceful death is what all of us wish for, and with that in mind, many will prepare a DNR form. Why do healthcare professionals ignore our requests?

In the Weeds: Unveiling Medical Marijuana Uses

WANT TO STIR UP CONTROVERSY? Start talking about marijuana. Is it safe? Should it be legal? Are there health benefits? Harms? Is weed addictive? This...