Habits for Healthy Minds




One Trick to Lowering Heart Risk: Friends Have Benefits

Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death among high-income countries and is projected to be the leading cause of death worldwide by 2030.

Overcoming Self-Blame and Self-Shame

This week, I’m doing something a little different. Instead of my usual blog post, I’m going to share with you an excerpt of a...

Psychiatry Is Turning to Nutrition in a New Appreciation of Food as “Medicine”

What was once “old” is now “new” again, and that includes food-related remedies for illness, both physical and mental.

Grieve As You Must, and Break Free of Believing in the “Steps”

Too many therapists and their patients have been led to believe there’s a formula for grieving and that everyone must process the five steps—nonsense.