News and Views




The Cohen Clinic Expands Mental Health Treatments for Active Duty Service Members

The Cohen Clinic at Metrocare in Addison, Texas now offering individual mental health therapy for active duty service members.

The Benefits of Using Wellness Apps Are Likely Exaggerated, False, or Unproven

By the end of this article, you will understand why you should be skeptical about the impressive claims from promoters of the apps like the Happify app that “86% of the users showed an increase in their happiness score after 8 weeks of regular use

3 Tips for Incorporating Mental Health Into Your Corporate Well-Being Program

U.S. adults reporting symptoms of anxiety disorder and/or depressive disorder rose from 11% in the first half of 2019 to more than 40% in January 2021.

Christmas in a Psychiatric Hospital

The end of the year is now in sight and several holidays are nearing. Thoughts turn to presents, celebrations, and reunions with family and friends. What happens when the holidays are celebrated in a psychiatric hospital?