



Depression isn’t Caused by Low Serotonin Level, Are SSRIs still Effective?

Several previous studies have concluded that SSRIs can significantly reduce the risk of depression. However, a recent study refutes this.

SPRAVATO® (esketamine) CIII Nasal Spray to Treat Depressive Symptoms in Adults Approved

SPRAVATO® (esketamine) CIII nasal spray, taken with an oral antidepressant, to treat depressive symptoms in adults with major depressive disorder (MDD) with acute suicidal ideation or behavior.

COVID Vaccine Versus Infection: Which Confers More Immunity?

COVID VACCINATION OFFERS MORE PROTECTION than being infected by the virus. That’s the conclusion of a new study that seems to confirm what many believe.

Is the New York Times a Shill for Promoters of Psychedelics?

Evidence that the newspaper is not sufficiently detached from promoters to provide an open-minded but skeptical perspective that readers should be able to expect.