Long Haul Covid




One Pill and Done for Covid is a Serious Concern

The Covid-19 pandemic has already killed over 800K Americans and countless, perhaps, millions worldwide. It has disrupted people’s lives in every conceivable way from the economy,...

Covid: Why Do Some Lose Smell?

RESEARCHERS ARE CLOSER TO UNDERSTANDING why some people lose their smell sense after contracting Covid-19. Researchers recently identified a genetic risk factor associated with smell...

On the Origin of Covid. With Apologies to Darwin

Where did the SARS-COV-2 virus originate? Was it artificial and unintentionally escaped its laboratory confines? Was it released intentionally?

Covid: Why You Need a Booster

THE BAD NEWS? ALL THREE of the COVID-19 vaccines approved in the United States seem to be significantly less protective against the new Omicron variant...