Estimates of prevalence range considerably, depending on how researchers define long covid in a given study, but the Centers for…
The health impacts of the mandated 16 vaccines (spread over 72 doses, before the age of 18) have never enjoyed…
Covid is commonplace. Some, are laid up with symptoms for days or weeks. A smaller group risks hospitalization or death.…
Although many debate the effectiveness of paper masks, I am more interested in the evidence supporting wearing one rather than…
Long COVID, a perplexing phenomenon characterized by the persistence of symptoms for weeks, months, or even years after recovering from…
XBB.1.16 (ARCTURUS) IS ON THE RISE WORLDWIDE. The new variant is highly contagious. Today we look at the new COVID…
HAVING COVID-19 PROVIDES DURABLE (BUT TEMPORARY) protection against getting severely sick in the future, no matter the variant.
The author reviews a recent randomized clinical trial of ivermectin’s effect on COVID-19 outcomes..
Today we explore the remarkable drug Paxlovid before turning to a new report suggesting we were wrong. The drug now appears not…
THERE IS A GENETIC LINK BETWEEN COVID-19 RISK and the leading cause of vision loss in people 50 and older,…
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