



Now Is the Time To Quit

Smokers and former smokers are at increased risk of developing a more severe course of covid-19 infection, nearly double the rate of non-smokers.

Twitter’s Decision to Stand-down on COVID Misinformation Highlights a New Symptom — “Trust Deregulation”

If Twitter and Elon Musk Fail and Fall, Who Will Celebrate? Twitter and COVID misinformation monitoring.

Irresponsible Headlines on Massachusetts Outbreak Mislead the Public and Cause Harm

Misleading headlines in news coverage of the Massachusetts Covid-19 outbreak fail to highlight vaccine efficacy in preventing death and severe disease.

This Secret Covid Vaccine Ingredient Just Received a Standing Ovation

There is a secret ingredient in the Covid Vaccines that affects men. This was first noticed in medical staff across the country and in some instances may affect those outside of healthcare