
COVID B.1.1.7 - How Widespread Is It in the U.S. and How Worried Should We Be?

According to the CDC report, by March, and possibly sooner, this new variant will surpass the original virus as the…

4 years ago

Hyper-Transmissible SARS-CoV-2 Variant Detected in U.S. Wastewater

The SARS-CoV-2 B1.1.7 (UK Variant) test is available immediately both as a fee-for-service and as a complete, ready-to-use PCR kit…

4 years ago

Vaccine Refusal Will End When Businesses Start Telling People No

Will big business determine a future filled with immunity passports and enforced vaccination? Will the public accept these passports

4 years ago

A Doctor Responds to a Family Member About the Covid-19 Vaccine

I am happy to respectfully engage with anyone regarding questions about the covid-19 vaccine as it is the #1 thing…

4 years ago

Exposing America’s Frontline Doctors and Their Financial Empire Built on Hydroxychloroquine

America's Frontline Doctos, founded by Simone Gold is simply a poorly concealed business designed to sell Hydroxychloroquine to gullible consumers

4 years ago

Who is at Increased Risk From Covid-19?

New information emerges daily on groups at risk from serious Covid-19 complications. Check your risk from Covid-19 against the latest…

4 years ago

An Extensive List of Symptoms for Covid-19

Check your symptoms for Covid-19 and know when you should seek medical help. Covid-19 symptoms are very similar to influenza

4 years ago

How to Reduce Your Risk of Coronavirus Infection and Developing Covid-19

You cannot catch covid-19. Infection with the coronavirus (SARS-nCoV-2) can lead to you developing covid-19, the disease associated with coronavirus

4 years ago

Ivermectin is NOT Hydroxychloroquine. Why is the FDA Ignoring a Potential Covid Treatment?

Ivermectin has shown promise as a potential treatment. It needs to be urgently evaluated under the guidance of the FDA

4 years ago

Why Some Californian Healthcare Workers Are Refusing the Covid Vaccine

The covid vaccine is a personal choice. It always was and always will be. That doctor or nurse who has…

4 years ago

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