



Covid, Conspiracies and Chaos — Media and Medicine Take Note

When Vigilante Journalism Runs Unchecked, People Die

Do We Need to ReAssess Our Covid Vaccination and Testing Policies?

Our current Covid Vaccination strategy may lie at the root of the troubles we face in achieving public acceptance of the vaccines. Is it time to reassess how we deliver the vaccine?

Debunking Nicholas Wade’s Origin of COVID Conspiracy Theory

Nicholas Wade debunked by real virologists. His Origin of Covid theory is flawed. He misinterprets and misrepresents science and scientists. Wade is exposed

Oleander 4X Snakeoil. The Story Behind a Fake Covid Cure

This is the story of how a pharma company has milked a practically useless compound for the last 20 years, misleading its investors and offering the public hopes of miracle cures for everything from Alzheimer's, to cancers and Covid.