Alternate Health




Untangling the False Binary of “Medical vs. Mind-Body”

One of the common stumbling blocks that can come up on the path of chronic pain recovery is confusion about whether or not a mind-body approach is right for you.

Preventing Breast Cancer Recurrence

My goal forward is to make exceptionally educated, not fear-based, decisions and choices for my life and health. I want to live to at least 100 years old and do so with strength, style, grace and confidence. And cancer-free.

More Evidence Linking Ultraprocessed Foods and Early Death

ULTRA-PROCESSED FOOD CONSUMPTION AND PREMATURE DEATH are associated. That’s the finding of a new study from Brazil. Ultra-processed foods are industrial formulations of substances made from...

What are Vitamins and What Role do They Play in Your Health?

Learn about vitamins, what they help for, how they work and what they can and cannot do. Find out which pills are a waste of money and why.