Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death among high-income countries and is projected to be the leading cause of death…
A new systematic review and meta-analysis of 43 observational studies revealed many harmful effects of ultra-processed foods, including a slight…
“All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.”― Charles M. Schulz - Dr. Michael…
We all want a quick fix for our suffering, and there is absolutely no reason to be ashamed of that…
Yet, there is the human desire to KNOW what is going on inside our bodies. There are also costs to…
Pain is a danger signal that your nervous system sends when it feels unsafe. So should you obey the danger…
“Cognitive decline in late adulthood is becoming the №1 public health problem we face as a country, particularly as the…
I RECENTLY READ ABOUT THE "DIRTY DOZEN," a group of pesticide-containing fruits and vegetables. The Environmental Working Group gives us a "dirty…
Mornings are often the most challenging time for many of us. We toss and turn, push the “snooze” button on…
YOU MAY HAVE ONLY MINUTES TO MAKE YOUR MOVE if ever you are near a nuclear explosion. How would you respond…
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