



Kratom is an Unregulated Addictive Drug That Kills

Kratom is a a highly addictive, unregulated drug. It has been brought into the US by importers, often via illegal routes, for the last decade and is frequently seized by the FDA and destroyed

As Opioids Mixed With Animal Tranquilizers Arrive in Kensington, So Do Alarming Health Challenges

The neighborhood’s afflictions date to the early 1970s, when industry left and the drug trade took hold. With each new wave of drugs, the situation grows grimmer. Now, with the arrival of xylazine, a veterinary tranquilizer, new complications are burdening an already overtaxed system.

A $30 Million Gift to Build an Addiction Treatment Center. Then Staffers Had to Run It.

If you had $30 million to design an addiction treatment facility, how would you do it?

A Life-Saving Proposal: Offer Narcan Nasal Spray For Free

The pharmaceutical industry must move beyond a business and manufacture to become a beacon of action for the countless lives lost and impacted by the social blight of addiction.