Editors Choice




Bridging the Divide: Partnership Among Public and Private Sectors Rally to Rural America Needs

Rural America has long been the nation’s backbone. Whether providing the country’s food or essential resources, rural Americans have reliably answered the nation’s call...

Is Our Gut a Key to Whether We Get Dementia?

Alzheimer’s dementia is not a normal part of the aging process. Still, the most significant risk factor is increasing age, with most of those with Alzheimer’s disease 65 years and older.

Weight Management During Fertility Treatment: A Challenge But Not a Lost Cause

Since hormones affect weight, hormonal therapy to enhance ovulation (whether pills or the multiple shots that the in vitro fertilization process entails) often leads to weight gain.

Smell Your Way to Better Health and Happiness?

New research expands on forest and aroma therapy that we have been advised to include in our lives and it may all rely on our sense of smell.