



Will The Vaccine Stop Me From Catching COVID?

That is currently being studied, and the data are not out yet. This is critical to know, actually. We know that the vaccine prevents symptomatic Covid disease, but we don’t know if it prevents people from catching the virus

What Are Statins?

Statins are medications that are used to control one’s cholesterol levels. They increase HDL and decrease LDL², the so-called good and bad cholesterol

What are seizures?

Seizures are when there is synchronous and excessive electrical activity in the brain¹. Given that the nervous system works through electrical activity

Healthcare Workers Show Their Faith in the Covid Vaccine #vaccinechallenge

Join our #vaccinechallenge. We're Inviting doctors to send us links to their vaccination video and we''ll make you famous. Show your patients and let's help build trust in the Covid vaccine.