Patient Zone




New Survey Reveals 6 in 10 Parents in Favor of Covid Vaccine for Their Child

Find out how American parents feel about having their children vaccinated against Covid. Opinions are influenced by political, racial and ethnic differences.

Why It is Imperative We Redefine Mental Illness and How We Treat It

The article that prompted this one was published recently in Medscape and the title alone deserves submission to the Oxford Dictionary under the term...

Why Your Breast Milk May Already Be Too Toxic For Your Child

Fifty samples of breast milk drawn from across the US all tested positive for PFQAS contamination, at levels 2000 times higher than those suggested safe by the EPA

Kindness and Charity Benefit Us More Than We Know

Kindness and special consideration for others who may be in need physically or mentally shouldn’t be limited to certain times of the year. Goodness...