Health News and Views




Sleep’s Sweet Spot. You Need This Much Sleep to Prevent Cognitive Decline

Know how long you should be sleeping each night, especially as you age? Research has identified the sweet spot for sleep

Gabor Maté’s Bizarre Ideas on Connections Between Stress and Disease

Gabor Maté’s issues are with evidence, not the West and with public health, not medicine, but who takes him seriously? Lots of otherwise smart people seem to…or maybe not.

How I Dropped My Blood Pressure (and You May Too)

These are the steps I've followed and the things I've avoided to stabilize my blood pressure and return it to normal levels

Cancer — 13 Different Types Are Related to Being Overweight or Obese

Much less known, but every bit as real and life-threatening is the connection between obesity and malignancy, the general medical term for cancer.