Health News and Views




Medika’s Top 20 AI Voices to Watch. Follow These Experts as They Demystify AI and Its Future

Is “AI” threatening and misunderstood?  Absolutely! The term alone - “artificial intelligence” - is a worrisome misrepresentation of an idea that people will become...

An Extensive List of Symptoms for Covid-19

Check your symptoms for Covid-19 and know when you should seek medical help. Covid-19 symptoms are very similar to influenza

Prof Dolores Cahill is the Latest Quack to Commit Career Suicide

Prof. Dolores Cahill is a medical quack that offers up anti-vaccine advice and spreads misinformation on the SARS-CoV2 virus and the covid vaccines

Dairy Fats Reduce Your Risk of Heart Attack, New Study Finds

Increased levels of dairy fat have been shown to reduce the risk of heart attack and death, according to new research from Sweden