Health News and Views




Your Brain on Cortisol During COVID-19, Your Brain on #Neurononsense

Judging from Amazon reviews, there really seems to be a mutual admiration society of advice gurus and self-help experts just loving each other’s work. All self-help merchandise have ratings way above average

Why We Should Be Cautious With COVID-19 Medical Research

Thalidomide’s history is a grim reminder of what can go wrong when a drug comes to market without proper clinical trials and oversight.

Vaccine Patents Come with Ethical Dilemmas Bringing Life or Death

Patents are essential in the pharmaceutical industry to ensure commercial viability and financial returns but how do they effect public access to vaccines in a pandemic?

FDA Approval of New Drug for Alzheimer’s Offers Hope

The FDA approves Aduhelm for the treatment of early Alzheimer's disease. Aduhelm targets brain plaque formation to slow the rate of cognitive decline.